Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2145.B8 .H78 2010 Das große Yankou-Ritual für die Hungrigen Geister. 1
M.S. Thesis Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies : a discussion of the 'mad cow' epidemic, theorized origins of the disease and the implications for pharmaceutical, biologics and medical devices manufacturers /
Thalidomide: dangerous drug or miracle cure? : its impact on the FDA; weighing its potential for benefit and risk /
M.S. Thesis 193-? A chemical study of the seed of Plantago ovata (Forskall) /
Some optical constants of the alkaloids of nux vomica and their important salts /
M.S. Thesis 1932 A quantitative microanalytical method for determining the percentage of cacao shells in powdered cocoa products / 1
M.S. Thesis 1935 A pharmacognostic study of the bark and wood of Brosimopsis sp. / 1
M.S. Thesis 1936 The composition of castor oil /
Acorns of Quercus rubra /
M.S. Thesis 1937 Derris malaccensis / 1
M.S. Thesis 1938 A pharmacognostic study of commercial cubé root /
The extraction of cantharides /
M.S. Thesis 1939 Organic derivatives of mandelic acid / 1
M.S. Thesis 1940 Studies on the anatomy of Rhamnus lanceolata, Pursh and Rhamnus frangula L. / 1
M.S. Thesis 1941 Acetaminoethoxyphenyl derivatives of antipyrine /
The quantitative determination of methenamine /
Microscopical studies of commercial types of tobacco /
Zinc peroxide and its use in medicine /
M.S. Thesis 1942 An investigation of preparations for pepsinogen /
The histology of the fruits and seeds of Caesalpinia spinosa /
Pharmacognostical studies of Buchu /
A study of the chemistry and pharmacology of some new acetophenetidin derivatives /
Attempts to synthesize cantharidin /
Polyhydroxy iodohydrins /
The fate of salol in the duodenum /
The cystine content of fingernails as a diagnostic factor in mental disease /
[A comprehensive examination of Viburnum, chemical and pharmacological] /
Annotated bibliography of pepsin /
M.S. Thesis 1943 Carboxypeptidase activity of pancreatin, U.S.P. /
The photochemical decomposition of tartrates in iron galenicals /
A critical investigation of the amylolytic activity of pancreatin and extract of malt /
M.S. Thesis 1944 Carbamyl derivatives of pyridine / 1
M.S. Thesis 1947 The quality of some Labiatae grown in the garden of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy /
A study of the stability and compatibility of certain emulsified ointment bases /
Histology and volatile constituents of Salvia leucophylla Greene /
Pharmacognostical and chemical studies of Indian belladonna /
Carbamyl derivatives of catechol-thiazole /
Enteric coatings in relation to enzyme activity and intestinal alkalinity /
M.S. Thesis 1948 The assay of morphine in syrups /
A chemical investigation of Chrysactinia mexicana A. Gray /
The preparation of hydroxythiazoles /
Massachusetts prescription survey 1947 /
The preparation of urethanes from 2-aminopyridine /
Chemical assay of rhubarb /
M.S. Thesis 1949 A pharmacognostical study of the leaves of Digitalis ferruginea L. /
Pancreatin with high lipase content : with some observations on the stability and activity of lipase /
Salivary amylase : its activity and stability with the evidence for the existence of a labile fraction /
A pharmacognostical study of American berberis /
M.S. Thesis 1950 Substitution products of theophylline /
Study of the pharmaceutical detailman /
An investigation of the possible potentiation of the analgetic properties of mophine by mephenesin /
Pharmacognostical and chemical studies of Thymus serpyllum L. (wild thyme) and of several of its varieties /
M.S. Thesis 1951 A comparison of the leaves and stems of Menta arvensis L. var. piperascens, Malinvaud, Menta arvensis L. and Mentha crispa L. /
A determination of the physical characteristics of coal tar samples /
Determination of water in official products by the Karl Fischer method /
A colorimetric assay for pilocarpine and its salts /
The sorbitans as aids in solving prescription incompatibilities /
A comparative study of Mentha spicata, Mentha rotundifolia, and Mentha niliaca /
M.S. Thesis 1952 A pharmacognostic study of the stem bark, stem wood, and leaves of Piscidia erythrina L. /
The effect of mescaline on adrenal pituitary function in the rat /
A study of the dosage response curve to the excretion of sodium and potassium upon the administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate in the rat /
An investigation of several methods for coloring the official mint spirits /
A new enteric coating formula suitable to the pharmacist /
An investigation of the stability and compatibility of certain lotion vehicles /
The morphology and chemistry of the seed of Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban /
Dermatitis from celery /
The effect of dextro-amphetamine sulfate on the level of the circulating eosinophils /