Call Number (LC) Title Results
M.S. Thesis 1944 Carbamyl derivatives of pyridine / 1
M.S. Thesis 1947 The quality of some Labiatae grown in the garden of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy /
A study of the stability and compatibility of certain emulsified ointment bases /
Histology and volatile constituents of Salvia leucophylla Greene /
Pharmacognostical and chemical studies of Indian belladonna /
Carbamyl derivatives of catechol-thiazole /
Enteric coatings in relation to enzyme activity and intestinal alkalinity /
M.S. Thesis 1948 The assay of morphine in syrups /
A chemical investigation of Chrysactinia mexicana A. Gray /
The preparation of hydroxythiazoles /
Massachusetts prescription survey 1947 /
The preparation of urethanes from 2-aminopyridine /
Chemical assay of rhubarb /
M.S. Thesis 1949 A pharmacognostical study of the leaves of Digitalis ferruginea L. /
Pancreatin with high lipase content : with some observations on the stability and activity of lipase /
Salivary amylase : its activity and stability with the evidence for the existence of a labile fraction /
A pharmacognostical study of American berberis /
M.S. Thesis 1950 Substitution products of theophylline /
Study of the pharmaceutical detailman /
An investigation of the possible potentiation of the analgetic properties of mophine by mephenesin /
Pharmacognostical and chemical studies of Thymus serpyllum L. (wild thyme) and of several of its varieties /
M.S. Thesis 1951 A comparison of the leaves and stems of Menta arvensis L. var. piperascens, Malinvaud, Menta arvensis L. and Mentha crispa L. /
A determination of the physical characteristics of coal tar samples /
Determination of water in official products by the Karl Fischer method /
A colorimetric assay for pilocarpine and its salts /
The sorbitans as aids in solving prescription incompatibilities /
A comparative study of Mentha spicata, Mentha rotundifolia, and Mentha niliaca /
M.S. Thesis 1952 A pharmacognostic study of the stem bark, stem wood, and leaves of Piscidia erythrina L. /
The effect of mescaline on adrenal pituitary function in the rat /
A study of the dosage response curve to the excretion of sodium and potassium upon the administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate in the rat /
An investigation of several methods for coloring the official mint spirits /
A new enteric coating formula suitable to the pharmacist /
An investigation of the stability and compatibility of certain lotion vehicles /
The morphology and chemistry of the seed of Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban /
Dermatitis from celery /
The effect of dextro-amphetamine sulfate on the level of the circulating eosinophils /
M.S. Thesis 1953 A survey of fungi from the order Melanconiales for antibiotic activity /
The use of micronized powders in dermatological preparations /
The spectrophotometric determination of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid in mixtures /
The antibacterial activity of an extract obtained from Ascophyllum nodosum /
The effect of age and of heat on the "ferment" in Cascara sagrada /
The spectrophotometric determination of morphine and codeine /
The alkaloid of Banisteriopsis inebrians /
The development of standards for coal tar /
The presence of a growth-stimulating factor for Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5 in rice-bran concentrate /
M.S. Thesis 1954 A microscopic study of the leaf, stem, and root of Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban /
Spectrophotometric determination of the principal alkaloids of opium /
A study of parenteral solutions of morphine and pentobarbital /
A new artificial "intestinal juice" for the in vitro studies of fat-like enteric coatings and some in vivo tests of the same coatings /
The saponins of the seed of Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) urban /
A study of the solubility of methylrosaniline chloride /
The preparation of hydroxythiazole /
Studies to determine the adaptability of the staircase phenomenon to the assay of the cardiac glycosides /
M.S. Thesis 1955 Morphine tolerance studies employing the Hardy-Wolff-Goodell dolorimeter /
The effect of pH changes on the activity of drugs incorporated in ointments /
A study in vitro of anti-monilial agents /
The potentiation of histamine in pertussis-treated mice /
The effect of sodium n-lauroyl sarcosinate and of sodium dehydroacetate on the enzymes of the gastro-intestinal tract /
Spectrophotometric determination of phenobarbital /
An investigation of the hypotensive activity of certain extracts of the root of Rauwolfia canescens (L.) /
A study of the hydrolytic action of Cascara sagrada /
Preservative combinations for ophthalmic solutions /
Studies on Rauwolfia vomitoria Afz. /
M.S. Thesis 1956 Methods of extraction and isolation of alkaloids from the root of Rauwolfia canescens L. /
Studies to determine the adaptability of the staircase phenomenon to the assay of the cardiac glycosides on the basis of specificity of response /
A differentiating non-aqueous titration method for the determination of salicylamide and of aspirin in the presence of phenacetin and caffeine /
The comparative anatomy of certain species of Smilax /
Prescriptions for anti-infective drugs : United States 1953 /
A study of the formulation, physical properties, and compatibility of a proposed lotion vehicle /
A comparative study of the metabolism in the human body of some isomers of tartaric acid /
The effects of various concentrations of nutrients on growth of and alkaloidal production in Datura stamonium L. /
Dithiocarbamate esters as possible antifungal agents /
A study of the effect of bleeding on the distribution of active ingredients in petrolatum base ointments /
M.S. Thesis 1957 The catalytic hydrogenolysis of aromatic halogen compounds /
An investigation of the possible potentiation of ethinamate activity by chlorpromazine /
The preparation of oxidation products of 1-ethanesulfonyl-4-ethylpiperazine /
Urea and thiourea complexes of aliphatic amines /
The preparation of mono- and diamino s-triazines /
The mechanism of action of inhibiting agents on Pityrosporum ovale strain no. 12078 /
M.S. Thesis 1958 The antibacterial action of some metal chelates /
The effects of 8-azaguanine and 6-mercaptopurine on the nucleotide composition of yeast ribonucleic acid /
The avidity of o-hydroxybenzoic acid for heavy metals /
The quantitative examination of the nucleic acid constituents of Neurospora crassa /
An examination of a suspected sample of tolu balsam /
Pharmacognostic investigation of certain samples of Sumatra benzoin /
The effect of several compounds containing the CON-structure upon the digestion of starch by salivary amylase and upon the enzymes of the gastro-intestinal tract /
Stress resistance in thymectomized rats /
The chelating ability of salicylamide and other salicylates /
M.S. Thesis 1959 A histological study of three South American plant drugs /
A study of the ion exchange properties of bentonites /
The synthesis and antibacterial activity of nitro- and chloro-n-phenyl amino acids /
The metabolism of o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in the human body /
I. Some pharmacological and microbiological effects of a number of 8-hydroxyquinolinium derivatives and II. A cardiovascular study of 1-phenyl-2-hydrazino-propane in conscious and anesthetized dogs /
Metal chelates of riboflavin analogs as diabetogenic agents /
The chelation of b-phenylethylbiguanide (DBI) and its derivatives with copper ion /
The condensation of alloxan with urea derivatives /
M.S. Thesis 1960 The avidity of salicylic acid and some nuclear substituted derivatives of salicylic acid for cupric, aluminum, and ferric ions /
The human scalp as a habitat for yeasts /
I. An evaluation of the comparative analgetic effectiveness of a series of pyrrolidinols and agents with morphine-like activity and II. evaluation of antispasmodic activity in the intact dog /
The preparation and antifungal activity of metal chelates of some sulfur-containing fungicides /
A morphological study of Cassia auriculata L. /
M.S. Thesis 1961 The nature of some condensation products of alloxan and uramil with urea derivatives /
A chromatographic investigation of ferric and ferrous ions /
I. Cardiovascular screening and mechanism of action of a number of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and II. A microbiological study of a number of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives /
Studies on Bixa orellana L. root /
A study of parenteral solutions of barbituric acids /
Metal chelates of quinoline analogs as diabetogenic agents /
The synthesis of the hydrobromides and quaternary ammonium salts of some 8-alkoxyquinolines /
M.S. Thesis 1962 The preparation of amide and ester derivatives of piperazine for local anesthetic study /
Isolation and classification of aerobic bacteria from the human scalp /
A method for the quantitative determination of antispasmodic activity in the intact dog /
A survey of hospital pharmacy in some Boston hospitals /
Salicylates and metal chelation /
A preliminary pharmacognostical study of twelve Nigerian plants /
A further investigation of the cardiovascular response of the dog to 1-phenyl-2-hydrazinopropane /
Soluble brominated salicylanilides /
Amino acid derivatives of selected steroids /
M.S. Thesis 1963 The effect of salicylic acid and of selected antiradiation compounds on catalase and lactic dehydrogenase /
The isolation and identification of fecal organisms from the human scalp /
The preparation of S-alpha-amino acyl esters of beta-mercaptoethylamine /
The synthesis of the s-alpha-aminoacyl esters of mercaptans by the use of azlactones /
The effectiveness of pharmaceutical promotion to hospital pharmacists /
The structure and antibacterial action of some dithiobiuret derivatives /
A dermatological film forming base /
A study of selected thickeners for diabetic antitussive formulations /
Flavored vehicles for various objectionable tasting drugs /
M.S. Thesis 1964 A preliminary taxonomic and phytochemical study of ten Bahamian plants /
An in vivo and in vitro investigation of the laxative properties of senna /
The evaluation of antispasmodic and related activity in the intact dog /
The effect of chelating agents on mucopolysaccharide sulfate biosynthesis /
The avidity of certain salicylic acid derivatives and analogues for cubric, aluminum, and ferric ions /
The preparation of piperazine derivatives for local anesthetic study /
The structure proof of a possible thiadiazine /
Development of a dermatolgical spray-on bandage : the use of synthetic water-soluble resins /
M.S. Thesis 1965 The human scalp as a habitat for molds /
Heterocyclic compounds as antibacterial agents /
A method for the assessment of the antispasmodic effectiveness and side-effect liability in the anesthetized surgically intact dog /
The synthesis of derivatives of dithioacetic acid pyridinium betaine /
Thiolsulfinate formation of 2-mercaptoethylamine by means of cyanogen bromide /
Glutamic acid metabolism /
The odoriferous principle obtained from Pityrosporum ovale when grown on a medium containing sesame oil /
A morphological study of the stem barks of Mitragyna rubrostipulacea Havil. and Mitragyna speciosa Korth. /
Gas chromatographic determination of aspirin /
An investigation of the steroidal components of the root of Sarcocephalus esculentus /