Call Number (LC) Title Results
M.S. Thesis 1956 Methods of extraction and isolation of alkaloids from the root of Rauwolfia canescens L. /
Studies to determine the adaptability of the staircase phenomenon to the assay of the cardiac glycosides on the basis of specificity of response /
A differentiating non-aqueous titration method for the determination of salicylamide and of aspirin in the presence of phenacetin and caffeine /
The comparative anatomy of certain species of Smilax /
Prescriptions for anti-infective drugs : United States 1953 /
A study of the formulation, physical properties, and compatibility of a proposed lotion vehicle /
A comparative study of the metabolism in the human body of some isomers of tartaric acid /
The effects of various concentrations of nutrients on growth of and alkaloidal production in Datura stamonium L. /
Dithiocarbamate esters as possible antifungal agents /
A study of the effect of bleeding on the distribution of active ingredients in petrolatum base ointments /
M.S. Thesis 1957 The catalytic hydrogenolysis of aromatic halogen compounds /
An investigation of the possible potentiation of ethinamate activity by chlorpromazine /
The preparation of oxidation products of 1-ethanesulfonyl-4-ethylpiperazine /
Urea and thiourea complexes of aliphatic amines /
The preparation of mono- and diamino s-triazines /
The mechanism of action of inhibiting agents on Pityrosporum ovale strain no. 12078 /
M.S. Thesis 1958 The antibacterial action of some metal chelates /
The effects of 8-azaguanine and 6-mercaptopurine on the nucleotide composition of yeast ribonucleic acid /
The avidity of o-hydroxybenzoic acid for heavy metals /
The quantitative examination of the nucleic acid constituents of Neurospora crassa /
An examination of a suspected sample of tolu balsam /
Pharmacognostic investigation of certain samples of Sumatra benzoin /
The effect of several compounds containing the CON-structure upon the digestion of starch by salivary amylase and upon the enzymes of the gastro-intestinal tract /
Stress resistance in thymectomized rats /
The chelating ability of salicylamide and other salicylates /
M.S. Thesis 1959 A histological study of three South American plant drugs /
A study of the ion exchange properties of bentonites /
The synthesis and antibacterial activity of nitro- and chloro-n-phenyl amino acids /
The metabolism of o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in the human body /
I. Some pharmacological and microbiological effects of a number of 8-hydroxyquinolinium derivatives and II. A cardiovascular study of 1-phenyl-2-hydrazino-propane in conscious and anesthetized dogs /
Metal chelates of riboflavin analogs as diabetogenic agents /
The chelation of b-phenylethylbiguanide (DBI) and its derivatives with copper ion /
The condensation of alloxan with urea derivatives /
M.S. Thesis 1960 The avidity of salicylic acid and some nuclear substituted derivatives of salicylic acid for cupric, aluminum, and ferric ions /
The human scalp as a habitat for yeasts /
I. An evaluation of the comparative analgetic effectiveness of a series of pyrrolidinols and agents with morphine-like activity and II. evaluation of antispasmodic activity in the intact dog /
The preparation and antifungal activity of metal chelates of some sulfur-containing fungicides /
A morphological study of Cassia auriculata L. /
M.S. Thesis 1961 The nature of some condensation products of alloxan and uramil with urea derivatives /
A chromatographic investigation of ferric and ferrous ions /
I. Cardiovascular screening and mechanism of action of a number of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and II. A microbiological study of a number of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives /
Studies on Bixa orellana L. root /
A study of parenteral solutions of barbituric acids /
Metal chelates of quinoline analogs as diabetogenic agents /
The synthesis of the hydrobromides and quaternary ammonium salts of some 8-alkoxyquinolines /
M.S. Thesis 1962 The preparation of amide and ester derivatives of piperazine for local anesthetic study /
Isolation and classification of aerobic bacteria from the human scalp /
A method for the quantitative determination of antispasmodic activity in the intact dog /
A survey of hospital pharmacy in some Boston hospitals /
Salicylates and metal chelation /
A preliminary pharmacognostical study of twelve Nigerian plants /
A further investigation of the cardiovascular response of the dog to 1-phenyl-2-hydrazinopropane /
Soluble brominated salicylanilides /
Amino acid derivatives of selected steroids /
M.S. Thesis 1963 The effect of salicylic acid and of selected antiradiation compounds on catalase and lactic dehydrogenase /
The isolation and identification of fecal organisms from the human scalp /
The preparation of S-alpha-amino acyl esters of beta-mercaptoethylamine /
The synthesis of the s-alpha-aminoacyl esters of mercaptans by the use of azlactones /
The effectiveness of pharmaceutical promotion to hospital pharmacists /
The structure and antibacterial action of some dithiobiuret derivatives /
A dermatological film forming base /
A study of selected thickeners for diabetic antitussive formulations /
Flavored vehicles for various objectionable tasting drugs /
M.S. Thesis 1964 A preliminary taxonomic and phytochemical study of ten Bahamian plants /
An in vivo and in vitro investigation of the laxative properties of senna /
The evaluation of antispasmodic and related activity in the intact dog /
The effect of chelating agents on mucopolysaccharide sulfate biosynthesis /
The avidity of certain salicylic acid derivatives and analogues for cubric, aluminum, and ferric ions /
The preparation of piperazine derivatives for local anesthetic study /
The structure proof of a possible thiadiazine /
Development of a dermatolgical spray-on bandage : the use of synthetic water-soluble resins /
M.S. Thesis 1965 The human scalp as a habitat for molds /
Heterocyclic compounds as antibacterial agents /
A method for the assessment of the antispasmodic effectiveness and side-effect liability in the anesthetized surgically intact dog /
The synthesis of derivatives of dithioacetic acid pyridinium betaine /
Thiolsulfinate formation of 2-mercaptoethylamine by means of cyanogen bromide /
Glutamic acid metabolism /
The odoriferous principle obtained from Pityrosporum ovale when grown on a medium containing sesame oil /
A morphological study of the stem barks of Mitragyna rubrostipulacea Havil. and Mitragyna speciosa Korth. /
Gas chromatographic determination of aspirin /
An investigation of the steroidal components of the root of Sarcocephalus esculentus /
M.S. Thesis 1966 Reaction of 3-aminoacridine with carbon disulfide /
In-patient medication errors /
M.S. Thesis 1967 An investigation of the possible potentiation of various antihistaminic agents in combination /
A Millipore membrane filter technic for testing the bactericidal activity of quaternary ammonium compounds and iodophors /
An anatomic consideration of selected parts of seven species of Ghanaian plants used in "folk medicine" /
The preparation of dithioacetic acid pyridinium betaine derivatives /
A pharmacognostical investigation of two species of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) and a bibliography of plants with hypoglycemic activity /
In vivo distribution and determination of acetylsalicylic acid /
Degradation and compatibility studies of parenteral additives /
The classification of the nicotine block at the neuromuscular junction /
The synthesis of dithiocarbamates of some aminothiophenes and aminofurans /
The aerobic bacteria of the human scalp and their relationship to scurf production /
The synthesis of derivatives of bis-(4-aminophenyl)-disulfide /
M.S. Thesis 1968 Stability constants of metal complexes of heterocyclic analogs of salicylic acid /
Analysis of brominated salicylanilides by gas chromatography /
Measurement of protein binding of salicylates by gel filtration /
Metabolism of triammonium 2-dithio-carbamoyl-3-dithiocarbonylthiopropanoate /
Synthesis of toxoflavin analogs /
The relationship of a nystatin-resistant strain of Pityrosporum ovale to dandruff /
The dispersing activity of lanolin derivatives /
The isolation and identification of Clostridium species from the human scalp /
Charge-transfer complex formation of riboflavin with dimercaptonitriles /
M.S. Thesis 1969 Determination of the molecular weight distribution of polyvinylpyrrolidone by gel filtration /
Application of microcrystalline cellulose to cosmetic formulations /
Study of extrinsic factors involved in community pharmacy closings in Massachusetts /
A study to determine the usefulness of gastric pH, intraocular and arterial blood pressure changes as indicative of antispasmodic activity in the intact dog /
Radiation-protective compounds : condensation of carbon disulfide with active methylene groups attached to heterocycles /
The formulation and clinical evaluation of protective epidermal barriers /
Metal binding properties of Bunte salts /
An investigation of the mechanism of the nicotine block at the neuromuscular junction /
M.S. Thesis 1970 An investigation of the mechanism involved in the methacholine-induced rise of intraocular pressure in the intact dog /
A demographic analysis of selected consumer attitudes toward community pharmacy /
The synthesis of 2-diethylamino-2,'6'-acylxylidides /
Preparation of rhodanine derivatives as possible fungicidal or bactericidal compounds /
An in-vivo evaluation of the biological availability of theophylline dosage forms /
An investigation of the pharmacological activity of 1-methyl-3-phenethyl thiourea /
The development and clinical evaluation of an antibacterial biodegradable skin cleanser with the aid of a PERT system /
M.S. Thesis 1971 The synthesis of phenothiazine derivatives /
Computer evaluated multichannel gamma ray analysis of the kinetics of certain water-in-oil emulsions /
Medication errors /
A study of possible amino acid acylating agents of potential use in thiopeptide synthesis /
A critical evaluation of selected materials for tablet coating /
M.S. Thesis 1972 The synthesis of pyrimido[5,4-e]-as-triazine thiones /
Formulation and clinical evaluation of an antimicrobial cleansing gel /
Radiation protective compounds : condensation reactions of carbon disulfide with cystine and active methyl groups /
An investigation of a method of cold sterilization of the hydrophilic contact lens poly (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) by the use of a polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine complex /
The synthesis of β-aryl-alpha-mercaptoacrylic acids and related disulfides as potential antiviral agents /
M.S. Thesis 1973 The development of whole diet nutrient tablets and antacid demulcent tablets /
An investigation of the facilitatory action of the depolarizing blockers ; decamethonium and succinylcholine at the neuromuscular junction /
The phytochemical investigation of Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh. (white form) /
Phytochemical investigation of Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh. /
Studies on the production of dandruff (seborrhea capitis) by Pityrosporum ovale and Corynebacterium acnes using a guinea pig test system /
A sweet-sensitive protein from bovine and canine taste buds : isolation and partial characterization /
Radiation-protective compounds : condensation of carbon disulfide with active methylene groups attached to heterocycles /
Stability constants of metal complexes of amino alkyl disulfides and amino alkyl thiosulfuric acids /
The growth supporting capability of selected intravenous solutions inoculated with Enterobacter agglomerans A, Enterobacter agglomerans B, and Pseudomonas multivorans /
M.S. Thesis 1974 Evaluation of chilsonated mannitol-sucrose as a direct compaction carrier /
An evaluation of the efficacy of various antacid preparations against cold-restraint induced gastric ulcers in the rat /
Investigation of Nepeta cataria L. for behaviorally-active substances /
Synthesis of potential ornithine decarboxylase inhibitors /
Evaluation of chilsonated sucrose-polyethylene glycol 6000 as a direct compression carrier /
Clinical pharmacy practice and education : the concept and its implementation /
Selected economic variables affecting a health maintenance organization's prepaid drug benefit /
The development of antacid, analgesic, simulant and antihistamine dosage in chewing gum : dosage forms and their bio-absorption studies /
Stability constants of metal complexes of thioureas /
Pharmacokinetic parameters of tricyclic antidepressants /
M.S. Thesis 1975 Definition and calibration of tablet press instrumentation /
Development of unit-dose aspirin formulations for reconstitution /
An investigation of the mechanism for the increase of facilitatory action of succinylcholine with the reduction in the amount of acetylcholine in the nerve ending /
Synthesis of glutathione analogues : n-alkanoyl-s-benzyl-l-cysteinylglutamic acids as potential anticancer agents /
Role of mucopolysaccharides in kidney stone formation /
Dihydrofolate reductase from dogfish liver /
An investigation of cardiovascular effects of two potential beta hydroxylase inhibitors (dithiocarbamate and thiourea derivatives of d-amphetamine) /
Studies on the relationship of dandruff to the enzyme lipase (glycerol ester hydrolase) produced by pityrosporum ovale /