Call Number (LC) Title Results
M.S. Thesis 1998 Evaluation of furosemide-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes to improve drug photostability /
An investigation of the origin of extracellular gaba in the hippocampus of conscious rats /
Formulation, in-vitro evaluation, and stability of fluconazole suppositories /
The role of nitric oxide in the development of increased vascular permeability /
M.S. Thesis 1999 Cardiovascular effects of thiosalicylamide derivatives as potential calcium channel blockers /
The in-vitro evaluation of Phosal 50 PG as a penetration enhancer using flurbiprofen as the model drug /
Preparation, characterization and effect of process variables on properties of sustained release coprecipitates : ketoprofen as a model drug /
Effects of intranasal administration of [delta] 9 tetrahydrocannabinol on rodent analgesia models /
Assessment of factors contributing to the migration of a potent drug during wet granulation /
The effects of estradiol on spatial memory in gonadectomized rats /
Effect of carboxylic group content of microcrystalline cellulose on properties of tablets /
Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on survival and regional blood flow following anaphylaxis in the rat /
In vitro and in vivo glucuronidation of etoposide in rats with HPLC /
Evaluation of the stereoisomeric discrimination in the release of chiral drug in the presence of chiral excipients using propranolol hydrochloride as a model drug /
M.S. Thesis 2000 Preparation and in vitro evaluation of solid dispersions of halofantrine / 1
M.S. Thesis 2001 FDA enforcement regulations : what can happen? : a case study of U.S.C.I. Bard /
Preparation and evaluation of ibuprofen and ketoprofen sustained release granules for reconstituted suspension /
Clinical studies for off-label uses : incentives for the pharmaceutical industry /
Risk assessment of medical products : a useful tool or not? /
Euthanasia : challenges in regulation and policy formation /
Study of 2'-deoxyimidine 5'-triphosphate (dImdTP) as an inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase (HIV-1 RT) /
In vitro study of the effects of ibuprofen on nifedipine and diltiazem albumin binding using ultrafiltration technique /
Regulatory pitfalls and roadblocks to gaining market approval of a combination product /
Rescuing the therapeutic orphan /
Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of poly-dl-lactide-co-glycolide microspheres containing low molecular weight heparin /
The effect of U.S. drug regulation on the pharmaceutical marketplace and prescription drug prices /
Design and evaluation of a colon specific delivery system for budesonide, a novel glucocorticoid for inflammatory bowel disease /
Assuring the commercial success of healthcare products by applying technology to the development process /
The Maillard reaction between the substituted and phenylethylamines and glucose or methlyglyoxal /
Expedited review for products of serious and life-threatening diseases : does it benefit the patient? /
FDA and the inspection process : the Abbott Consent Decree /
Drug recalls and their cumulative effect on the generic drug company Copley Pharmaceutical /
A case of a generic biologic /
The approval of new chemical entities using historical controls : regulatory background, case histories of two recent new drug application approvals, advantages and disadvantages /
Design, synthesis and biological activity of a novel class of calcium channel blockers /
Conducting research on maternal-infant transmission of HIV-1 in developing countries /
Implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan as a continual improvement initiative in the manufacturing process of medical devices /
The AIDS epidemic in America : how it influenced expanded access of experiemential pharmaceutical products /
The impact of capitation on pharmaceutical market share : a case study of a Boston-based integrated healthcare delivery system /
Effects of iron deficiency and lead poisoning on spatial memory and brain neurochemistry /
M.S. Thesis 2002 Pediatric clinical trials : ethical, legal, regulatory and practical aspects /
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its impact on pharmacy practice /
Evaluation of sulphobutyl ether 7-beta-cyclodextrin as a complex forming agent and its role in influencing the photstability of nifedipine /
Developing a clinical trials office at an academic medical center : a recommendation for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute /
The use of children in clinical research following the enactment of the Food and Drug Administration Act of 1997 (FDAMA) /
Effect of potassium channel and cytochrome P450 inhibition on transient hypotension and survival during lipopolysaccharide-induced septic shock in the rat /
A regulatory evaluation of placebo-controlled clinical trials /
Oncology compassionate use, single patient exemptions and expanded access : a discussion of policies and programs /
Design and preformulation of acyclovir prodrugs /
Effect of the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan on food intake in food-deprived and mildly stressed rats /
The Veterans Administration : a unique junction in the health care matrix and research environment in the United States /
Recent and proposed changes to human research protections resulting from the death of Jesse Gelsinger /
Design, synthesis and biological testing of novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors /
M.S. Thesis 2003 Is FDA's approval process moving too fast? /
Standardization of the prescription label to increase patient safety /
Biological products guidance for post-approval changes contrasted against the Scale-Up and Post-Approval Changes (SUPAC) guidance /
Gene therapy product development : a primer for regulatory affairs professionals /
Legislative and regulatory responses to inadequate pediatric labeling of human drugs /
Protecting patient privacy : the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information ("Privacy Rule") and implications on the conduct of pharmaceutical clinical trials : a case study /
The Humanitarian Device Exemption process : requirements and issues from application to utilization /
The growing issue of financial conflict of interest in clinical research : "beyond pens and note pads" /
Development and in-vitro evaluation of osmotic drug delivery system for propranolol hydrochloride using asymmetric membrane coatings /
Enzyme and receptor antagonists for acute and chronic toxicity from the gamma-hydroxybutyrate precursor 1,4-butanediol /
Issues of materiality in informed consent /
Device / biologic combination products /
Challenges of post marketing approval in Brazil : (a primer of registrations and permits) /
Regulatory acceptance of alternative methods to in vivo animal studies for toxicology/safety data /
Research and human subjects with decisional impairments : proposed guidance for the research community /
FDA regulation on direct-to-consumer advertising vs. First Amendment right to free speech /
Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of solid dispersions of famotidine with water soluble polymers like polyethylene glycol and polyvinylpyrrolidone /
The common technical document and the evolution of harmonizing global submissions : requirements and perspectives for implementation within the United States /
For better or for worse : how the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) changed the dietary supplement industry and the regulatory industry /
Gamma-hydroxy butyrate and its precursor - 1,4-butanediol - as a dopamine modulator : an in vivo and in vitro evaluation /
M.S. Thesis 2004 Effect of plasticizers on behavior of cellulose acetate phthalate dispersion as film coating material /
A survey of oncology drug approvals 1992 to 2002 /
A case study of BOTOX (Botulinum Toxin Type A) purified neurotoxin complex : a poisonous cure /
Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of controlled release coprecipitates using Ethocel as a carrier /
Neuroprotective effects of gamma hydroxybutyric acid and its precursors gamma butyrolactone and 1,4-butanediol in the permanent and transient animal models of focal cerebral ischemia /
The learned intermediary doctrine : a look at the factors eroding the doctrine /
A patient's dilemma : access to investigational drugs /
Australian health care and clinical trials /
Ephedra : an overview of its regulation and potential risks /
Combination product case study : Comparative regulatory analysis of the CYPHER & PALMAZ-SCHATZ stents /
Habit forming prescription drugs /
Effects of copper overload on brain dopamine levels in mice /
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of pluronic gels of celecoxib /
Development and in vitro evaluation of a topical gel containing methimazole for the treatment of hyperthyroidism /
Fast track designation, priority review, and accelerated approval : a comparison /
Regulation of pharmaceutical and industrial crops /
The adequacy of FDA environmental assessment regulations for pharmaceuticals /
The Food Drug & Cosmetic Act and its regulatory authority over tobacco : a review /
Combination products : drug/device /
Biotechnology research and clinical development : involvement of the Food and Drug Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission and obligations for disclosure /
The physiochemical stability of adult parenteral multivitamins in total parenteral nutrition formulations /
Melt granulation : a novel technique to coprocess a pharmaceutical diluent for direct compression /
Online pharmacy : new era of sales and marketing of pharmaceutical products /
Is FDA regulation of tissue harvesting and reuse adequate? /
Provigil as a case study in drug development /
Evaluation of the release performance of metoprolol succinate, the model drug, through Eudragit RS 30D coated tablets for extended release /
The development of a nonproprietary name : analysis of stem based United States adopted naming /
Electronic submissions : a critique of a contemporary approach to drug development /
Gamma-hydroxy butyrate and its precursor - 1,4-butanediol - as a dopamine modulator : an in vivo and in vitro evaluation /
M.S. Thesis 2005 Marketing prescription drugs : regulating direct to consumer /
An overview of orphan drugs and the pediatric population /
Drug formulary inclusion : development of a template /
United States vs. the world : family planning and reproductive issues /
Do current regulations and ethical guidelines foster double standards in the developing world? /
Cancer vaccines : the path to FDA approval /
Influence of the salt form on the rate of absorption of magnesium using the everted gut sac technique : an in vitro screening study /
The publication of negative clinical trial data : Paxil's lawsuit /
A regulatory overview of generic drugs /
Synthesis of 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole derivatives as new ESIPT fluorescent dyes /
Pharmacogenomics in drug development and regulatory decision-making /
Clinical trials in children, are they ethical? /
Lost in transition : Japanese drug development 1990-1999 /
Outsourcing clinical trials to India : pangs of globalization /
The marketing of placebo /
Expanding access to investigational drugs : a historical review and analysis of contemporary trends /
Are IRBs adequately protecting human research subjects? /
The evolution of asthma treatments in the United States /
Ethical issues of organ and tissue donation /
Process analytical technology : a valid model and evolving concept for improved drug manufacturing, increased product quality and safety /
Influence of hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose on phenytoin-hydroxyproyl beta cyclodextrin complexes /
Drug labeling harmonization : is It possible? /
Indication death : the policy of PAS and regulatory analysis of the drugs used to end life /
The FDA : monitoring and regulating the blood supply /
M.S. Thesis 2006 Cleaning up an industry : implementing cGMPs for dietary supplements /
Pancreatic enzyme products and new drug applications : what's old is new again - preparing for safety-related issues /
Design and evaluation of a colonic delivery system using fluorouracil as a model drug /
The battle of Accutane : acne is more than skin deep /
Aleve (naproxen sodium) vs. Vioxx (rofecoxib) : a retrospective assessment of the clinical benefits and known cardiovascular risks in the aftermath of the withdrawal of Vioxx /
Assessing the pros and cons of DTCA and its appropriateness to the Ethiopian situation based on literature review and a cross-sectional survey /
Combination drug therapy in middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats : investigation for beneficial effects of the combination of memantine and alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl-nitrone on the reduction of infarct size /
For whom the "TOME" tolls /
Influence of inclusion complexation of flurbiprofen with beta-cyclodextrin and its derivatives on aqueous solubility and dissolution of flurbiprofen /
Influenza virus vaccine : is it time for an overhaul of the current process? /
FDA advisory committees : a comprehensive system review and impact analysis /
Synthesis of BF₂ complexes as fluorescent dyes /
Oversight of human embryonic stem cell research : the interplay of law and regulation with the National Academy of Sciences guidelines /
Follow-on biologics : an assessment of the regulatory and scientifc challenges /
Stent wars : may the data be with you /
Clinical trial registries : an industry perspective on disclosing proprietary information /
Clinical trial end points in oncology : imaging, RECIST criteria, and a case study of non-small cell lung cancer /
Prescription Drug User Fee Act : analysis of its impact on drug approvals /
Investigation of the influence of p-glycoprotein and CYP450 on absorption and bioavailability of puerarin in rats /
Dual encapsulation of doxorubicin and tamoxifen in multilamellar liposomes /
Calcium and phosphate compatibility profiles for adult parenteral nutrition (PN) solutions made from a new, concentrated (16% w/v) amino acid solution /
Event horizon : the black hole effect of an adverse event in the development of rotavirus vaccines /
Two decades of the Orphan Drug Act : boon to pharmaceutical companies or bane to patients? /
Diabetes, its social and economic impacts, and review of current and promising therapies /
A case study of BiDil® (a combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine) for the treatment of heart failure : the first ethnic drug /
The promises and pitfalls of biogenerics : perspectives on an emerging industry /
M.S. Thesis 2007 Risk assessment in gene transfer research : what constitutes oversight in the protection of human subjects in research? /
Migraine management in the United States today /
Is there a comparison due to regulations between the first oral contraceptive and today's oral contraceptives? /
A comparison of ICH GCP and ISO 14155 in terms of medical device clinical trials : a need for harmonization? /
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) : effects on melanogenesis and cytotoxicity on cells of melanocytic origin /
In vitro metabolism of the OTC nasal decongestant, oxymetazoline : species differences and bioactivation /
FDA enforcement and the consent decree : compelling compliance /
United States v. Utah Medical Products, Inc. : exploring the gap between what the law permits and what FDA demands /
Physical compatiblity of neonatal total parenteral nutrient admixtures containing organic calcium and inorganic phosphate salts using a simulated infusion in an incubator environment at 37°C /
Is the Food and Drug Administration consistent in the relative size of safety databases required for approval? /
Same indication, same risk? : an analysis of the approval process for implantable medical devices and prescription drugs for the same indication /
Marijuana as medicine /
Risk management programs : are they the answer? /
Quantitative determination of extraneous particulate matter introduced via an automated compounding device used to make parenteral nutrition (PN) solutions : optimizing the additives sequence /
Effect of pH on the fat globule size distribution of propofol emulsion formulations /
The pharmaceutical industry in China /
Proposal for developing an investigational product concurrently as an IV and inhalant /
A critical review of the FDA's initiative Unapproved Drugs Marketed in the United States /
Comparative analysis of means regulatory authorities in developing and developed nations address counterfeit pharmaceutical issues with emphasis on regulatory authorities in Nigeria (NAFDAC) and the United States (FDA) /
M.S. Thesis 2008 Defending substantial equivalence : an argument for the continuing validity of the 510(k) premarket notification process /
What is the impact of the European Union's data protection legislation on drug research and regulatory process for organizations outside the European Union and especially for those in the United States? /
Nasal mucoadhesive delivery of a novel anti-malarial plasmepsin inhibitor /
The critical path and beyond : efficient use of tools will revolutionize the process of drug development and post market surveillance /
Bar-coding in the pharmaceutical industry : an examination of the FDA's attempt to decrease medical errors by regulatory action /
Cell culture-grown influenza vaccine : the future of influenza vaccine production /
Patient reported outcomes claims : why is the agency rejecting them? /
Global hepatitis B vaccination : past, present and future /
The impact of three congressional bills on the future of personalized medicine /
Phase 0 clinical trials : an assessment of intergrating phase 0 into the drug development process /
Diagnosis and management of autism /
Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act : the bill and its consequences /
Preclinical and clinical development of a novel liver cancer therapy /
Novel epitope discovery on CD44 using phage display technology : a potential target for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma biopharmaceutical design /
Do direct-to-consumer advertisements communicate product benefits and risks with comparable prominence and readability? /
M.S. Thesis 2009 China : a perspective on global strategy to drug approval /
Importation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the manufacture and marketing of drug products into the United States (a regulatory perspective study) /
M.S. Thesis 2010 In vitro efficacy and toxicity evaluation of novel coumarin derivatives /
Neurotoxic effects of lead and manganese, individually and in combination, in B-35 rat neuroblastoma cells /
Synthesis and biochemical studies of potential anti-gelling agents /
Investigating the effect of various oils on precipitation inhibition of indomethacin from self emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS) upon in-vitro dilution /
Innovations in drug development : interim analysis of novel approaches in clinical trials /
Towards the synthesis of 6-hydroxy-7-(benzothiazol-2-yl)carbostyril as a new ESIPT fluorescent dye /
Determining the value in cancer treatment /
Delivery of DNA to mammalian mitochondria : evaluation of liposomes containing an isolated mitochondrial fraction as a delivery vehicle /
Development of a multicellular tumor spheroid model to study the distribution kinetics of anticancer drugs /
Developing a Chinese herbal medicine "Thunder God Vine" as a prescription drug /
Identification of glutathione s-transferase (GST) isoforms and their involvement in sensitizing melanoma cells to 4-tertiary butylphenol (4-TBP) toxicity /
Evergreening strategies used by pharmaceutical companies in USA /
Design, synthesis and in-vitro testing of beta-amino acid derivatives as potential dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors /
Adverse event reporting systems : has harmonization been realized in the United States, Japan, and the European Union? /
M.S. Thesis 2011 Post approval clinical studies for high risk Chinese medical devices : Global Harmonization Task Force to the rescue /
The role of clinical, cost and comparative effectiveness in oncology drug development : a case study /
Can a piece of tissue change the paradigm of drug discovery? : legal, ethical and practical considerations surrounding tissue sample collection for pharmacogenomic research /
Analysis of FDA letters in violation of marketing with patient reported outcomes claims (1997-2010) /
Risk evaluation and mitigation stategy : who is responsible for drug safety? /
A critical appraisal of the impact of venture capital on the U.S. pharmaceutical research and development : the past, the present and the future? /
A case study review of the phase III moxidectic clinical trial : study of the regulatory challenges and discussion of feasible solutions to expedite protocol review process in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by the ethics committee and regulatory authority /
Modeling atypical drug absorption : methodology and significance /
Regulation of medical devices in the European Union and the United States : the case of coronary stents /
Harmonization and the world's most critical drugs : a look at what is happening in the United States and European Union /
In-vitro assessment of the utility of stearyl triphenyl phosphonium liposomes in overcoming drug resistance [in] paclitaxel resistant human ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR-3 cells : /
Challenges faced by the pediatric medical devices in United States and their possible solutions /
Collaborative effect between anti-cyclin D1 therapy and DNA damaging chemotherapeutic agents /
M.S. Thesis 2012 Convolution study and the alcoholic beverage effect on lansoprazole delayed-release capsules and application of similarity factor to two-stage in vitro dissolution paradigm /
Are current federal regulations on OTC drug products sufficient to control nation-wide methamphetamine issues? /
Selected physico-chemical studies of rifampin and cephalexin monohydrate /
An examination and evaluation of new drug approval times in the United States and Japan : harmonizing the review process, is it working? /
Pediatric medicinal product research and development : issues, challenges and proposals for improvement /
Mixed effects modeling of tranexamic acid in pediatric patients undergoing craniofacial reconstruction surgery /
Medical device project management : is a paradigm shift needed? /
The BPCI Act : implementation of data exclusivity for biologics /
Clinical monitoring in human subjects research : transitioning industry to a risk-based approach /
M.S. Thesis 2013 Endocannabinoid system : functions and therapeutic applications /
Comparative effects of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamyl-containing compounds on the viability of model human cancer cell lines /
Orphan drug market developments in the US and EU /
The effect of thiol containing compounds on the kinetics of hemoglobin S gelation /
The effect of amino acids lipophilicity and stereochemistry on the inhibition of sickle hemoglobin polymerization /
Clinical trials and results bank in the U.S. /
Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) inhibitory activity of macamides /
Hydrophobized triphenyl phosphonium derivatives for the preparation of mitochondriotropic liposomes : choice of hydrophobic anchor influences cytotoxicity but not mitochondriotropic effect /
In vitro and in vivo assessment of liposomes and chitosan microparticles as potential carriers for intravesical delivery of oxybutynin in the treatment of overactive bladder /
Optimization of the high throughput assay for screening compounds for anti-gelling activity /
Can China be a viable biosimilars entry market as compared with the US? /
Neuroprotective effect of curcumin on neuroblastoma cells as a model for Alzheimer's disease /
The structure activity relationships of aromatic aldehydes and carboxylic acids as anti-gelling agents /
The potential use of nanocarriers to overcome short residence time of drugs administered intra-articularly in the treatment of osteoarthritis : evaluation of liposomes and micelle assoication with bovine articular cartilage in vitro /
Preparation and characterization of bone-targeted vancomycin-loaded liposomes for osteomyelitis treatment /
Orphan drugs - the new blockbusters? : strategic paradigm shift for large pharmaceutical companies /
An examination of the current state of pharmacovigilance and postmarketing surveillance programs in the United States and potential solutions for improvement /
Disease modifying anti-osteoarthritis effect of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and the impact of PLGA encapsulation in the rat anterior cruciate ligament transsection model /
A comparative analysis of dietary supplement regulatory outcomes : United States vs. Canada /
M.S. Thesis 2014 The role of extracellular matrix proteins in airway smooth muscle in asthma /
MERS-CoV : a survey of scientific, economic and political tools to address a coming epidemic /
N-(pyridine-3-ylmethyl)oleamide (NPMO) as a new inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) /
The effect of resveratrol on cyclic AMP and phosphodiesterase in non-asthmatic and asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells /
Role of insulin/IGF-1 signaling in Alzheimer's disease /
Developing a lipid particle that is sensitive to reactive oxygen species for ovarian cancer therapy /
The role of phosphodiesterase in β₂-adrenergic proliferation in asthma /
Securing the US drug supply chain : adulterated materials and counterfeit finished products /
A comparison of priority review of new drugs approved by the EMA and the FDA in the period 1999-2011 /
Neuroprotective effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) and macamides against amyloid-beta (25-35) induced toxicity in B-35 neuroblastoma cells /
N-acetyl-L-cysteine and taurine, alone or in combination, provide cytoprotection against rotenone-induced cytotoxicity /
New legislation on European good pharmacovigilance practices : overview of the legislation with a look at current status and challenges of implementation /
The role of endothelin receptor subtypes in EGF-mediated proliferation in human asthmatic airway smooth muscle /
Preparation and characterization of oral cefepime solid lipid nanoparticles for enhanced intestinal absorption /
Studying the effect of penetration enhancers on the rat skin using Raman spectroscopy /
M.S. Thesis 2015 Automation of hospital medication distribution systems in the US /
Evaluating the cellular uptake of cell membrane lipid-extracted nanoliposomes and corresponding cytotoxic drug activity using cellular models of human pancreatic cancer /
Investigation of the inhibitory effect of curcumin on the metabolism of celecoxib /
An evaluation of approaches for the augmentation of drug delivery into solid tumors through the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect /
Investigation of the activity and mode of action of sulfhydryl compounds and their corresponding dimers as inhibitors for sickle hemoglobin polymerization /
Effervescence vs. fast disintegration tablet design for rivastigmine oral solution and its stability exploration /
Assessment of HIV antiretroviral drug utilization and expenditures in Medicaid 1991-2014 /
Synthesis and fluorescence study of an imide analog of 2-aminobenzamide /
The value of knowledge management in a climate of pharmaceutical outsourcing /
Prices of drugs for chronic use with orphan designation in the US (1983-2014) /
Development of chondrocytes and synoviocytes co-culture model for the testing of pharmaceutical carriers for intra-articular administration in the treatment of post-traumatic osteoarthritis /
Regulatory approaches to alleviate shortages of generic parenteral products /
Mapping supply chains to visualize the effects of fragmentation and globalization on drug quality in the United States /
Contribution of Rac1 to ovarian cancer progression /
A price comparison of Rx-OTC switched drugs in the U.S. : an exploratory analysis /
Preparation and physical characterization of oxybutynin-loaded PLGA microparticles for intravesical delivery /
Investigation of the activity and mechanism of action of alpha, beta unsaturated carbonyl compounds as inhibitors for sickle hemoglobin polymerization /
Modulation of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1beta) induced proliferation of osteoarthritic fibroblast-like synoviocytes by proteoglycan-4 (PRG4) : a mechanistic study /
Synthesis and physicochemical studies of N, N-(dimethylamino) methylene prodrugs of nucleoside analogs /
Role of thiol groups in the activity of molecules and structure activity relationships of thiol-containing compounds as inhibitors for sickle hemoglobin polymerization /
A comparison of drug shortages in the hospital setting in the United States and Saudi Arabia : an exploratory analysis /
The effect of liraglutide on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1/CD106) on human umbilical vein endothelial cells /
Analysis of the orphan and ultra-orphan drugs approved by the FDA in the period January 1983-October 2014 /
Employing a unique panel of breast cancer cellular lipid extracts in the development of a novel nanoliposome drug platform /
Medical device regulation in the United States : a historical and evolutionary review /
Open data uncertainty : a comparative assessment of clinical trial transparency in the United States and European Union /
Cytotoxicity studies and mechanism of cell death mediated by phenolic anti-oxidants on cells of melanocytic origin /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for citrullinemia type 2 /
Minocycline exerts cytoprotection via anti-oxidative mechanisms in SH-SY5Y neuroblatoma cells /
Preparation and characterization of lubricin-loaded poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles for intra-articular delivery /
Inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) by macamides /
Blood pressure levels and cognitive performance /
The functional consequence of recombinant human proteoglycan 4 (RHPRG4) interaction with CD44 receptor on pro-inflammatory cytokine mediated fibroblast-like synoviocytes proliferation /
Evaluation of the effects of cathine and structurally-related compound on the cytotoxicity induced by 6-OHDA on SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells /
The growth inhibitory effects of curcumin and celecoxib on a human breast carcinoma cell line /
The link between type 3 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease : mechanisms of a neuro-endocrine disorder /
The synergistic inhibitory effect of curcumin and celecoxib on the human bladder cancer cell line HT-1376 /
A comparison of cardiovascular drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada (1980-2014) /
Analysis of factors contributing to a public health risk in the herbal products market /
Improving good manufacturing practices of pharmaceutical facilities in India : a way forward /
In vitro and in vivo effects of green tea catechins (EGCG) on the permeability and pharmacokinetics of fidaxomicin /
ACMG's newborn screening recommendations : using opinions vs. facts about incidence /
Study of warfarin displacement by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from bovine and human serum albumins using fluorometric analysis and ultrafiltration techniques /
Inhibitory effect of macamides: n-benzylpalmitamide, n-(3-methoxybenzyl)palmitamide, n-(4-chlorobenzyl)palmitamide, and n-(4-fluorobenzyl)palmitamide on fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) /
Analysis of Institutional Review Board warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during the period January 2010 to September 2014 /
Avoiding drug shortages in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : pricing rules, track and trace, and establishing a drug shortage program /
M.S. Thesis 2016 Does environmental enrichment offer protection against gestational and/or adolescent inflammatory challenges /
Green organic synthesis : solvent-free Wittig reaction /
Evaluation and prediction of regulatory risk in determining the regulatory submission of semi-constrained total hip implants : 510(k) or premarket approval /
To indicate or not to indicate : whether a traditional regulatory and reimbursement strategy for next-generation sequencing will limit the potential of personalized medicine /
Evaluation and determination of the relationship between the regulatory risk and objective evidence required for a de novo submission /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia /
Neuroprotective activity of macamides on manganese chloride induced toxicity in U-87 MG glioblastoma cells /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for galactose epimerase deficiency /
The efficacy of transsphenoidal surgery in acromegaly cure with or without cavernous sinus invasion : a systemic review and a meta-analysis /
Perceptions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among social network users /
The availability of medications in Egypt : perceptions of community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, physicians, and patients on drug shortages and their possible causes impacts and solutions /
A comparison of opioid drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada (1942-2015) /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for medium/short-chain L-3-OH acyl-COA DH deficiency /
A study of the displacement of warfarin from human serum albumin by statin drugs via ultrafiltration and fluorescence quantification /
A validated high performance liquid chromatography assay for the determination of clopidogrel in brand and generic tablets : application to content uniformity and detection of counterfeit products /
A comparison of anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus drugs in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom /
Overview of aspects of pharmacovigilance in developing countries /
Medical device regulation in the United States : a historical and evolutionary review /
Predicting enzyme-transporter interactions of the Class II drug atorvastatin in rat intestines /
A comparison of antidepressant drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada (1959-2015) /
Monosodium urate crystal induced inflammation : the biological role of proteoglycan-4 /
Bio-relevant dissolution studies of the Class IV drug furosemide in different media : application of Weibull equation /
Regulation of endothelin-induced epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation in human asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells by Src kinase /
Role of heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) phosphorylation in modulating cellular responses to injury /
Examining uncertainty around the American College of Medical Genetics recommendation for newborn screening for 2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency /
A comparison of antipsychotic drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada (1950-2015) /
Effect of Lepidium meyenii L. on low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 levels /
A comparison of antiepileptic drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administraion and Health Canada /
The antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of Annona muricata extract on prostate cancer cells /
Challenges, strategies and opportunities for development of orphan drugs in India : the United States and the European Union models /
Development and in vitro evaluation of piperlongumine-loaded cationic liposomes in prostate cancer cells /
Understanding the role(s) of cytochrome P450 in controlling NF-[kappa]B signaling in both asthmatic and normal airway smooth muscle /
M.S. Thesis 2017 A hospital-based study of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Asser Abha, Saudi Arabia, 2010-2016 /
Study of the effects of curcumin, genistein and daidzein on melanoma cell lines /
The assessment of women's autonomy in clinical research : how the protection of women of childbearing potential has affected HIV/AIDS study development /
A comparison of the regulation of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers among founding members of the International Council of Harmonisation : perspectives from the United States, European Union, and Japan /
Efficacy of three-dimensional endoscopy for ventral skull base pathology : a meta-analysis /
Regulation of additive manufactured medical devices : an analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2016 draft guidance /
Effect of cationic lipid and surface modification with Huntington associated protein (HAP-1) derived peptide on the binding specificity of the liposomes in a synoviocytes and chondrocytes co-culture model /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for variant hemoglobinopathies (including HBE) /
Examining uncertainty around American College of Medical Genetics recommendations for newborn screening for hypermethioninemia /
A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures for adults with brain metastases disease /
An exploratory study of gene expression in triple negative breast cancer /
Vision 2030 : a model for competition law and drug pricing in the Kindom of Saudi Arabia /
Aspirin and asborin : a computational study of the structural and electronic properties of their conformers /
Prognostic roles of low T3 syndrome in acute stroke patients : a meta-analysis /
Effect of the lung surfactant protein-D (SPD) on epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation and signaling in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-acquired resistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) /