Table of Contents:
  • Context
  • Purpose
  • Organization
  • Costs, Benefits, and Value: Context, Concepts, and Approach
  • Analytic Context
  • Concepts of Cost
  • Approach to Estimating the Costs of Uninsurance and the Costs and Benefits of Coverage
  • Limitations of the Evaluation of Costs and Benefits Related to Coverage
  • Spending on Health Care for Uninsured Americans: How Much, and Who Pays?
  • Uninsured People Use Less Medical Care Than Do Those with Coverage
  • Out-of-Pocket Costs for Uninsured Individuals and Families
  • Uncompensated Care to Uninsured Persons
  • Who Bears the Costs of Uncompensated Care for Those Who Lack Coverage?
  • Other Costs Associated with Uninsurance
  • The Value Lost in Healthy Life Years
  • Quality of Life and Security for Families
  • Developmental Outcomes for Children
  • Uninsurance and Public Programs
  • Workforce Participation, Productivity, and Employers
  • Health Systems Impacts
  • The Cost of the Additional Care That the Uninsured Would Use If They Had Insurance Coverage
  • Long and Marquis Estimates, 1994
  • Miller, Banthin, and Moeller Estimates
  • Hadley and Holahan Estimates
  • Comparing Results
  • Social and Economic Costs of Uninsurance in Context
  • Summarizing Costs and Comparing Investments in Health
  • Realizing Social Values and Ideals
  • Coverage Does Matter: The Value of Health Forgone by the Uninsured / Elizabeth Richardson Vigdor.